Tuesday, February 23, 2016

You be the Judge

We made it! If you haven't watched the show yet please do. If you have you know now that we didn't win the $50,000. Which is still resonating with us but we are very proud of our accomplishments and every success we had along the way.

However, I do want to point out some FACTS and give you an account of my experience. Please know that Lacey Stone's program is the RIGHT and HEALTHY way to lose weight. 

First, I ask that you NOT buy Jorge Cruise's book with anticipation that you are going to lose a crap load of weight in 8 weeks. You won't. Team Jorge's plan was not what got those 5 people the money. They did not adhere to the producers request of posting on social media throughout the 8 weeks so that the public could follow along either. Jorge instead urged people to sign up on his Tiny & Full website to see what his plan is all about or go out and buy his book. Jorge is a dietitian that sells books. In fact this is book #25 for Jorge I believe. He is not a personal trainer. Jorge is friends with Steve Harvey. Jorge has been on the Steve Harvey Show for the past 4 years. Here are a few reviews on Amazon for this new book.

Format: Hardcover Verified Purchase
Jorge Cruise has shifted gears once again! Save your money! Keep it simple by eating fresh, wholesome foods as much as possible while considering the comfort nutrients you need and counting and burning calories.

Format: Hardcover
This book contradicts all of George's previous books. He's at it again with yet another borrowed idea turned gimmick. He knows nothing about being a vegan and this book isn't worth a dollar. I'm returning mine.

Format: Hardcover
Be cautious while venturing on this plan. This can contribute to years of yo-yo dieting where your weight goes up and down and up some more. Go to his website, view the diet plan...guestimate the calories and you have a very low calorie plan. Yes it might be healthy food, but long term you may feel horrible. You won't have enough food and you'll start getting strange low energy symptoms. You DO need proper calories, calories are important. Anyone can put together a low calorie plan, you will lose weight, you can not sustain it as your body will need more calories. Some actually lose weight by adding calories. Do your research, save your money and your body. If you exercise, up your calories. A 1,200 calorie diet is to low, even 3 year olds need at least 1,300.

Here is a clip of what Jorge says his Team's plan will be for the 8 weeks.

Here is a picture his team posted after we weighed-in for the final taping. Clearly they hired a personal trainer and were doing team workouts at a gym. It was confirmed they joined the gym at their office. It was also confirmed they were attending hot yoga classes a few times per week. 

I'm not putting all of this out there because I'm a sore loser. Nope. I just hate the fact that this man is more interested in being a best selling book author than about people's health. I don't want someone out there to think they are going to buy his book, work out for 25-30 minutes with a video at home, stand for 10 hours and walk 10,000 steps then lose 60 pounds in two months. 

I'm not exactly sure what Jorge's team did and I don't know if it was under the direction of Jorge or not but if in fact they lost as much as they have claimed it was NOT done in a healthy manor. Please know that it is physically impossible to lose 60lbs in 8 weeks without doing something extreme to your body. Google it, its not safe and some options are having lap band surgery, diet pills, extreme food deprivation or take laxatives. 

We can assume and we can nit pick trying to figure out what happened, what did we do wrong, what did they do to lose so much. The fact is, we lost weight in a HEALTHY and LASTING way. Changing our habits and working hard for it. We chose the high road and in television sometimes taking the high road means you don't win the money. 

I'll leave you with just a few more facts before I go. 

Here is what Team Jorge claims they lost on the Reveal Show that aired yesterday, their starting weight then what their weight would be if in fact thats what they lost . 

From Left to Right in the Team Picture:
Jen - 49.2lbs / 230 = 180.8
Emily - 45lbs / 209 = 164
Suresh - 54.2lbs / 278 = 223.8
Kaitlyn 39lbs / 212 = 173
Alison - 55lbs / 260 = 205
Total of 20.38% body weight loss

Here are our numbers from Left to Right in Team Pictures:
Jess 23lbs / 191 = 168
Katie 35lbs / 250 = 215
Nicole 28lbs / 205 = 177
AJ 26lbs / 252 = 226
Ric 59.2lbs / 321 = 261.8

So I was curious to see what Jorge would be posting on Instagram last night so I pulled up his claims on each team member and here is what I found. Alison is claiming now that she lost 65lbs (-10 more), Emily lost 45lbs (same), Jen now lost 46lbs (3.2 less), Kaitlyn now lost 44lbs (5 more), Suresh now lost 55lbs (not huge difference .8 more). So which is it? How much did they REALLY lose? 

Again, I"m not looking for a retraction or asking to be weighed again or anything. I just want the public to know that hard work is needed to lose weight in a healthy manor. I also want you to know that not everything you see on television reality shows is reality.

Congratulations to Team Jorge for losing weight. I pray you keep it off and use your money wisely.

Congratulations to Team Lacey on a FANTASTIC job! We look FABULOUS! 

Congratulations to Lacey Stone for taking the high road and believing in her 8 Weeks to Change Plan. Hopefully we'll see a book come from you soon!

Congratulations to Jerry Domico Jr for not murdering me the past few months and sticking by my side and supporting me. You're my rock and my EVERYTHING! I love you. 

Thank you Jesus for putting Team Lacey in my life. It was a hell of a ride!

PS - Flywheel Sports is AWESOME! And you can still find me every other Sunday with some of Team Lacey working out with Candy Morales at Blockhead Fitness.

Love you all! Thanks for watching and your support and encouragement!


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