Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Do NOT let anything stop you!

I've been so sick! However, that has not stopped me from getting to +Flywheel Sports  and it hasn't stopped me from eating healthy. Even though I haven't been on the actual meal plan I've been eating soup for lunch and dinner. Soup with NO CARBS other than the vegetables. So I made homemade chicken soup with lots of veggies in it. I added extra black pepper to give it a little kick, you could try cayenne too if you like that better. But this isn't a bad substitute its healthy. So even sick you can continue on your journey. I've also added a little OJ in my water, taken Vit C chewables, Zicam and DayQuil to kick this thing. No time to rest! Speaking of rest - 7-8 hours of sleep a night is a MUST!

Take a few minutes to watch my video about Week 2. I talk about my support system and I cannot stress again how important it truly is to have everyone around you on board to a healthier family.

Jerry (my hubby) agreed to try +Flywheel Sports  with me but when I tried telling him he was going with me to the next 5:30am class...I heard crickets! LOL I'll get his butt there one of these days. I have my kids involved with the workouts and they are having so much fun with it!

In addition to Flywheel our Team has started to do HIIT workouts at +Blockhead Fitness  with Candy Morales. Some of you have said how +Lacey Stone looks like she can kick some a$$. Aren't those arms just ridiculous? I mean really! Well I can say that working out with Candy has been no walk in the park either. When she yells you just do! Some of us have cried from the soreness and thats ok because in the end we are going to destroy Team Jorge!

I'm also excited that my back is strong and not deterring me from my fitness goals. All those doctors and physical therapists that told me I couldn't do anything other than walk for 10 minutes at a time and just stretch...beat it! #NOEXCUSES

I will say that it takes practice but if you are cleared to workout and have any issues with your lower back or discs - you have to keep your core engaged ALWAYS! Every single time you lift a weight, do a push up, a jumping jack, you have to be sure you engage your core and protect your back. In the end you will be stronger than ever!

Speaking of jumping jacks...if you are a woman over 35 or have had children do yourself a favor...if you aren't sure if its sweat or a tinkle don't take any chances and go to the bathroom. Jumping jacks will get ya every time so be sure to tinkle before you really tinkle!!!

I HEART YOU ALL!   #Fluffy2Fit

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