Thursday, January 28, 2016


Today's blog will just be some tips that I've learned in the last 4 weeks and a few other things we need to re-learn and train ourselves on to survive in a healthy manor.

Society has engraved in our brains that less is more. This is NOT always the case. When you are counting calories and/or changing your eating habits to lose weight and get healthy you MUST be sure you are eating enough food. 

Us women especially like to think that if we eat less we'll lose more weight. That is so wrong! If you've been following my journey you know that I've had trouble kicking a cold the past couple of weeks. When you are sick like that the last thing you want to do is eat a lot of vegetables and protein. I was eating what I thought I should eat but was only getting to 800 calories a day. Because I didn't want to be short on calories I would eat 2 TBSP of natural peanut butter to get closer to the 1300 mark. Umm.....I know its fat and protein which is NOT good before bed. I reached out to Lacey and she gave me a great tip...of course. When its later in the day and you are hungry eat something hot or spicy. This will fool your body into thinking its full a lot faster than if you were to eat something crappy. 

I heated up some chicken broth and added vegetables. Since I needed to go shopping I added what I had left in the beans and tomatoes. I know probably sounds gross but I added a few (no salt) spices and black pepper and it was really good actually. 

You MUST eat enough calories or your body will store fat and you will NOT lose weight. Your body will also store fat if it doesn't know the next time you are going to feed it. Creepy sounding right - like its from Little Shop of Horrors or some shit, but its true. When you eat on a schedule its so much better for your body and your weight loss. 

On the flip side...HOLY PORTION SIZES BATMAN!!! We have the biggest portion sizes in the country here in the Midwest (in my opinion). Like we are frickin squirrels needing to plump up for the winter or something! PUT THE FORK DOWN FATTY! Seriously, we should eat 1/2 of what we are normally served. 

Don't be afraid to order when eating out like you're Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally. Get your food cooked with olive oil instead of butter. Ask for no bun, ask for no seasoning or no marinade or no sauce on your chicken. Minus the big "o" of course...unless you are feelin' it.

And for HEAVEN'S SAKE...don't let the waitress talk you into the carbs...seriously tell the bitch no 8 times if you must. We went out for breakfast as a team and the waitress was almost insulted we didn't want the hashbrowns. She came back like 3 times asking if we wanted toast or a muffin. Like carbs is a right of passage. They are like crack cocaine...SAY NO TO DRUGS!

Don't eat bok choy...its not good!

And because I have to leave you with a funny story...

You all know Lacey came in for a day to train us. Well after about 2.5 hours at the gym we all went to grab breakfast before the afternoon +Flywheel Sports  workout...smelling a little ripe. I was smelling very ripe. I always carry the baby wipes and some bath and body spray. Yeah sometimes it just smells like fruity vajajay but hey at least I'm trying. So anyways, we are sitting at the breakfast table and I sprayed a couple of squirts on my sweatshirt and then oh so slyly (so I thought) put the bottle under the table to spray the nether region. And whatya of the waitresses saw me. She not only started laughing but ran across the f*cking restaurant towards me, high fived me and said "that was awesome, love it". Then proceeded to tell all the other waitresses how great I was by spraying my crotch. They all started laughing. You may be thinking "Oh my gosh I would have died and ran out". But let me tell you when you walk around stinking from sweat that you EARNED you care much less about what people think and take it like a champ. I laughed right along with them, shrugged my shoulders then ate my breakfast..WITHOUT THE HASHBROWNS!  

Oh I'm not done yet...there are a lot more silly stories like this coming up in my next few blogs (not just my dumb antics either) so be sure to come on back if for nothing else...a good laugh!

Til then xoxo

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