Friday, January 8, 2016

No, it's NOT time to make the Donuts!

So if you watched the show, today you met my team. We are an eclectic group with a common goal. We've said a few times that they should have made a reality show out of this just with our team with the jokes and lively personalities - we could fill HOURS of entertainment.

Well as I sat and watched the show with my family I thought to myself WOW look how frickin FAT I am on this show! I knew by the scale how the pounds were going on and my jeans were a little tighter but hot damn Nicole! I am disappointed in myself...myself BEFORE I made the decision to do something about it. So if you are like me and your jeans are a little tight and the pounds keep going up, change with me. Let's change our lives in the next 8 weeks!

This #8WeeksToChangePlan is not for the weak hearted. You need to be ready for the challenge and that means committing to yourself and everyone around you to the plan. You need to prepare yourself for a roller coaster of emotions. Commit to NO ALCOHOL! Its just 8 weeks, 2 months of your life without a drink...can you handle that? If not, we should talk about why you need that drink.
And just like #LaceyStone said today on the show, your head has to be right first. "A sexy body is nothing without a happy heart".

Once you make the decision to not just "lose weight" but to CHANGE YOUR LIFE to be healthy and happier then BRING IT! Let's do this!

The second thing you have to do is get your family and friends on board. You will need their support and to be honest they can help keep you accountable too. I do NOT want to disappoint my little girl. My Gianna girl looks up to me so much and is watching every move I make. I'm teaching her so much right now. Teaching her how to be healthy and make healthy choices. I'm also showing her that even when you are down in life (or FLUFFY in my case) you can pick yourself up and get to it. #NoExcuses and never give up!

I'm so very grateful for this opportunity from the Steve Harvey Show and Lacey Stone. We have so much support its crazy! From our team including Lacey, family, friends and our fans. We have great support from +Flywheel Sports and (in my opinion - which is highly regarded lol) Candy Morales who is Flywheel's top instructor here in Chicago. Lacey even worked it out so we could train with Candy once a week at Blockhead Gym. Everywhere we turn we have such amazing support! #Blessed

Are you in yet? PUT DOWN THE DONUTS AND LET'S GO! Come on back tomorrow to get the plan details.

Watch my weekly videos on my YouTube Channel here:

Til then!


OH P.S. - The "Veteran" part of the show didn't make the cut. So to explain my url...Steve Harvey called my the team veteran and said that I along with Ric, our former athlete, are an advantage. I'll be whipping the team into shape and playing the motherly role. Yep...Jess & Katie call me the "Team Mom". And EVERY single time they do I picture myself with a pair of all white Reeboks (like my mom used to wear) and those mom jeans UGH. Glad Steve saw my age as an advantage...we'll see how this old body hangs at week 7. Ok Night Night!

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