Sunday, January 10, 2016

I will survive!

Did you sing the title of my blog in Gloria Gaynor's voice? No? I think you did now thought right?!

Ok so the first Flywheel is under my belt. I think its really going to help drop the pounds. For those of you that have never heard of Flywheel its an indoor cycling stadium. Basically a spinning class on steroids. They have locations all over but the 2 Chicago locations are in Old Town and Gold Coast. I'll be going to the Gold Coast one that is on State Street just past Superior.

It's actually pretty cool inside. You check in, get your riding shoes, pick a locker (thats free, I like free). They have water on tap, cold water and even room temperature water for those that have sensitive teeth like me. GENIUS! They have showers, bathrooms and then the main event...Stadium Room where all the action takes place. The instructor is up front and miked. There's a "Torque Board" that shows how you are doing compared with the others in the class (totally optional). With how frickin competitive I am I LOVE the Torque Board - it pushed me to keep going so I wasn't last lol.

The seats, well the seats aren't nearly big enough for my wide ass but hey it is what it is right? So my inner butt area is a little sore but after a while it just went numb. Lacey says I'll get used to it after about 3 rides. We shall see...

It was hard, no way I could even get close to keeping up with the instructor and the resistance (Torque) she was yelling out and RPM's to be at. I'll get there but wow it was still hard. At one point my thighs were burning and I really wanted to just give up. I closed my eyes and pushed on through it. Just listened to the music and I thought about how great its going to feel to be all skinny at the reveal show. Even if not much thinner! And SUPER BONUS (no not the cash) we will beat Team Jorge!

I've been an athlete my whole life (chubby athlete but athlete nonetheless) and with that I am very competitive. So much so my sister-in-law Jackie refuses to play board games with me. Not on my team or the other team LOL. Didn't think I was THAT bad but hey...who doesn't like to WIN! So yes I am doing this for me, to be healthier and live a longer life. BUT it is going to feel so good to kick their ass! Team Jorge is going DOWN!!!!

I might even start sending some of my chocolate products to the other team - is that too dirty? Hmmm....they don't have to eat it right? MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

But for real, Flywheel was a scary experience that show me how out of shape I really am and how far I have to go. I'm excited though because like I said its going to help shed the lb's!

Check it out if you can. When you download the app they give you a free credit to try out a class. My advice is to grab a gel pad for your seat (at the front of the class in a basket), bring a water bottle and wear light clothing. Don't wear shorts unless you like to chafe! Biker shorts or workout crop pants are probably your best bet. OH and they have towels too for the sweat. Oh my the sweat! But it feels so good after.

Ok nap time, I feel soooo tired lol! I'll post the diet next PROMISE!

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