Monday, January 18, 2016

Stop Procrastinating and Get Your Groove Back like Stella!


Queen of Procrastination...right here...that WAS me. In just 3 short weeks I've learned to get up and get moving. Get off my lazy ass and get to the gym or get to +Flywheel Sports  and get it done. Once you get up, get out of the house and get your workout done you feel so much better and still have the entire day ahead of you. I will say that even after this 8 weeks is over I"ll still get up early and get my workout in so I make sure I get it in and still have the rest of my days. Maybe not a 5:30am class but yes early.

It did take me until this week to not feel completely exhausted afterwards. Like drooling on myself ready to fall out tired. But hey, I'm here and I'm doing it. Jerry rolled over last night and told me he was proud of me for getting up and working out daily and that I'm looking good already. What a great compliment from a man of...well many words actually. Love you honey. But ladies in all seriousness, he's all over me. This is awesome! Lose weight or even give a really good effort and you'll get a little extra lovin!

OH MY GOSH that reminds me!!! There are a few things I must share. With everything smelling HORRIBLE when you sweat as much as I am these past few weeks...invest in some baby wipes. Keep them in your purse, bag, bathrooms at home, everywhere. Maybe a little feminine powder or baby powder ya know the travel size. Ugh gross I'm tellin ya! I was going pee and Jerry came to talk to me and had to walk away. YES...that frickin stinky. My pee, me, yuuuuck!

BUT again, completely worth it in the end. If he's all over me now and I smell I can't wait until this is all over and I smell pretty!

TMI...nah...I just tell you the truth that other people won't talk about. 

I also don't brush my teeth before my early Flywheel classes...can't wake up the kids. Its pretty gross though so I think I'll start keeping an extra toothbrush downstairs. 

Rain, snow, sleet, tornado GET UP AND GET MOVING! Here's this weeks' video:

xoxo #Fluffy2Fit

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